All the way to God

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone!


So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what I could say about 2012 and I have just a good answer: IT SUCKED.

I’m not getting grumpy or anything but really it just sucked from the first day it began till the last day.  I kept so few good memories out of it and much more lessons–bad lessons to carry.  I think God was testing me but if this 2013 will turn out worse than I thought, I might as well fly up there and yell at him for being a this big bully. Hahahaha. But even if it wouldn’t go good, at the end of the day, I would still love him no matter what.  I was this vulnerable, unpredictable person while I’m walking with him.  Last January, I was this treacherous monster that would swear he would burn this planet to hell.  Last February,  I got married to him.  Last March till October, he tested my faith, my commitment and my love. and I was proven pure.  And till now, I’ve been reading the Bible again–and for those who will do it, please bear the Old Testament.


So this New Year, I had written my claims:

1. My discipleship and leadership in my Church (since most of my Victory leaders would be (hopefully) graduating. :D)

2. Financial abundance (so I wouldn’t have to work for my studies)

3. Time (for me and him, like any other relationship)


and promises:

1. Follow

2. Commit

3. Stay in-love.


I wish this 2013, I wouldn’t have to tie my letters to balloons and fly it all the way to God.

I’ll be writing more this 2013 so keep reading. 🙂


Flying again,



Just tell me I'm crazy.